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Open Mic: Recuerdos del Alma

  • Mesa Artspace Lofts (map)

Día de Los Muertos is a time to celebrate our families and loved ones, whether they’re alive or no longer with us. Are there conversations you weren’t able to have or didn’t want to have that now weigh on your soul? How do you connect with your ancestors and previous generations? Together we will create a space to reflect on and acknowledge our emotions, relationships (including those that are broken or no lost), and definitions of love and how we receive it.

Whatever you are feeling- whether it’s nostalgia, guilt, beautiful memories, a heavy soul, or sadness- is valid and welcome.

Come share and/or listen to stories, poems, memories, music, artwork, and dances! This is a welcoming space where we can be whole, feel safe, and be in community. It is a place to share stories that connect us, unite us, and make us feel alive in our community. Together we can transform by sharing our support, inspiration, and hope for each other. We celebrate and love our migrant families. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you there!

It is not required to have a “perfect” piece, or experience as a performer - although if you have experience you are also very welcome!

FRIDAY November 1st 6:30 - 9:00pm

Mesa Artspace Lofts

155 S Hibbert, Mesa, AZ 85210

*Aliento events are FREE and we accept donations

*Family Friendly